Sunday, November 15, 2009

I must clarify

Preston is NOT fully potty trained. He went twice in one night but hasn't gone again. He fights sitting on the potty. He is a busy boy...sit still he does NOT! BUT we are headed in the right direction. He's a good boy and he'll get it soon I'm sure. He kept getting out of bed so I gave him the option of being a big boy or a baby like Hannah. Oddly enough he chose to be a baby. ha ha ha. My plan didn't work. So, his bed is a crib again. He doesn't seem to mind and I sure don't mind that he stays in bed. Baby steps.


Thomas Family said...

He will dot the potty thing when he is ready. Be patient with him. It is a big thing to figure out. But he will get the hang of it!

Brooke said...

Oh man. I am not excited to potty train! Preston hasat least gone on the potty though. That's a big step. One suggestion for the toddler bed that my sis-in-law gave me...put him in bed and as soon as he gets out tell him it's time for bed am gently guide him back to bed (or carry him if he won't go). everytime he gets out go back in his room and put him back in bed. He'll probably cry because he wants out, but it works as long as you're consistent and can handle the sad cries. Eventually he'll get sick of getting out and fall asleep. Good luck.