Tuesday, April 29, 2008

sick sick SICK of being sick!

I was doing so good for about a month! But, lately I have been so morning sick I can hardly stand it! Throwing up again and all. I thought I was over it but, I guess not! I just keep trying to tell myself it's all worth it...especially for my baby girl! Next week will be 24 weeks when Preston was born. Looks like we'll make it over that hump...thank goodness! My Dad found an article on Yahoo about Pre eclampsia. It said that eating dark chocolate reduces the risk of getting it. So, my mom bought me some...can't hurt to try eh?


Anonymous said...

OH man... I'm sorry you are so sick :( . at least you know she's growing. Yay for Dark chocolate, if i had an excuse to eat more chocolate i would so take it, mmmmm chocolate! :)
- Andrea christiansen

Natalie Sue said...

Heck, eat tons of dark chocolate, sounds good to me. I'm so sorry that you are so sick again! That was supposed to be done and over with. I hope you get feeling better soon. I'm sure that chocolate will be a cure-all. Wow, can you believe you are almost 24 weeks? Looks like she's decided to stay in the oven a little longer...happy for ya!