Saturday, October 13, 2007

A rainy day

Preston got his first cold ever! Poor guy! It's so sad to hear his little nose all stuffy and his little cough. He loves the boogar sucker! Ha ha ha. He screams his head off. It makes me feel like I'm the meanest mom in the world!!! I wish I could explain to him that it's for his own good!
Brad and I were touched by President Eyring's talk during conference and how well he kept a journal because he knew his kids would need it someday. So, we are both trying to keep better records. I opted for the blog instead of writing in an official journal. Then I will just print it out and keep it in a binder. That was so nice about Carepages. I have a huge binder of all the posts we put and the messages all of you wrote to us and him.
I have thought a lot lately about him and how special he really is. He has such a sweet little spirit. He smiles at everyone...he absolutely loves people. I'm getting teary just writing this. He is such a blessing in our lives. I know Heavenly Father wanted him here with us so badly. He must have something to do here on earth! I look back on all he has been through and I just can't believe all he has endured. He is such a little trooper! I am so grateful he was born when he was and that there are people that know how to take care of him.
We went back to the NICU for a visit last night and maybe that's why I'm thinking so much about it. Everyone that came out to see him was so surprised he wasn't on oxygen, that he was sitting up, no monitors etc. So many people have said they have never seen a 24 weeker do so well! We feel so blessed for that!
Brad is working on a personal statement for his med school applications. Then he can get those applications in very soon. Then we should know where we're going probably in the next few months. We shall see...


Jaimee said...

I'm so glad you guys have a blog now! Allayna has a cold too, and she also screams whenever I use the booger sucker on her. It's so sad! Preston is so cute. We really need to get together sometime. I don't think I have ever held him! Maybe once when he was really little. He's a popular kid!