Thursday, February 19, 2009

Children's Museum and Doggies

Preston has been on a doggie kick lately. Last night we watched 101 Dalmations and he kept pointing and saying "Doggie". He then found every doggie in the house and I found him a little more. He had 10 total. He lined them all up and was so excited about having his own doggies.

We went to the Children's museum yesterday with Preston's little friend, Hayden. They had so much fun!
This was Preston's favorite part. You could put the ball in and the air would carry it up the tube. He would go "woooooooooooooo" and watch it go up and run and get another one. He was amazed!


Lolo said...

Your kids are sooo cute! I am glad that you are so good at posting to keep us all up to date. Hope you all are doing well:)

Tara said...

That children's museum looks so fun! And that is so cute that Preston gathered all of his puppies after the movie - how sweet! (:

Tara said...

That is so sweet that Preston gathered all of his puppies after the movie (: And that children's museum looks so fun!