Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mickey Mouse

Most of you know that Preston loves Mickey Mouse. I found this pasta the other day and I didn't care how much it was I had to get it! Preston LOVES it. He says "ickey oodles". I made "mick a roni" and cheese with it. He chows it. Preston is growing up so fast! He's putting more words together and just being so cute. He's also going through his terrible twos for sure. He's been throwing a lot of temper tantrums lately...he's still so cute even when he does that!
This other picture was just a cute one of Hannah's smile. I love how she crinkles her nose. SHE is the one growing up!! I miss my little baby but love watching her make new discoveries. She's so funny when other people are eating and she's not. She gets so mad and lets out these huge grunts. Kinda like the one in the video but a little more intense. She LOVES to eat.


Melanie Ann Millett said...

My little girl loves Mickey Mouse/Minnie Mouse and she calls them "Macka Mack"