Friday, May 22, 2009


Grandma and Grandpa Wang came for a visit over the weekend. Preston loves his grandparents. I wish I could explain how he says "Grandpa" or "Grandma" but it's too hard to explain. I'll have to get it on video sometime. We went to the splash park on Monday and Preston and Grandpa had a great time playing in the water. He was a little scared at first but warmed up to the idea of getting wet.
My mom stayed the rest of the week with us. It's been fun to have her. Preston always asks about her in the morning when he gets up. It's so cute. She will go back on Tuesday. My brother Sam, and his wife, Piper are in Arizona and they are picking her up on their way back.
Then we went to Toy's R Us and Preston ended up with a brand new tricycle. He can't quite figure out how to pedal yet but he LOVES his new bike. He kicks and screams if I make him come inside.
Brad is finishing up at school right now, as we speak. He will be done with a long hard first year of med school!!!!!! We're so proud of him and all the hard work he does. The first year is supposed to be the hardest. GOOD WORK BRADLEY! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
I also have to post that last night I put Preston to bed and said "I love you buddy. Night night." and he blew me a kiss. He's never done that before and I loved it! It was so stinkin' cute. I love that boy.
My Mom and I went to the mall today with the kids. Preston was starting to get a little restless and Hannah was trying to play with him. I looked over and he had her finger between his teeth biting as hard as he could! The poor girl was crying so hard she could barely catch her breath. It was so sad. No ice cream for Preston today!! He tried to do it again too but I caught him. Little stinker.
Preston on his new bike at the park.

He skips everywhere he goes now. This is him skippin.

Riding the water cannon. Weeeee!

Grandpa likes it...Preston's not so sure.


Tara said...

Ouch! Poor Hannah - being second born has its pitfalls. That's so sweet that Prestong blew you a goodnight kiss (:

Natalie Sue said...

So fun! We have that exact tricycle! Jayden hasn't figured out the pedals either, but he loves it.