Tuesday, June 2, 2009

pictures, pictures and more pictures

Hannah is pretty much eating constantly. This is her having mac and cheese for the first time. She really enjoyed it. Huge mess but oh well.

First pickle.

Preston was really into licking this pudding off the spatula. I just thought this pic turned out funny.

The kids were sick one week and I kept taking their temperature. This is Preston's take on how it's done.

Brad's birthday. He requested this cheesecake which is soooo stinkin' good! I posted the recipe on my recipe blog if anyone is interested in trying it. It's pretty much better than any cheesecake I've ever had.

Preston enjoying Dad's ice cream sundae at Red Robin.

Dad enjoying it as well.

Well, I haven't posted in a while. I'm just really enjoying having Brad home. It's so nice. I love having adult conversation...it's been a while.
Brad's birthday was last Monday (the 25th) and we had fun...well, I hope he did. We went shopping and he got some new shoes and some other stuff. There were lots of yummy treats involved. We went to Red Robin to celebrate and had hamburgers. We love their fries there. So yummy. Brad also got a birthday ice cream treat and cheesecake.
These were our last treats. We starting the P90X workout program and diet plan on his birthday (well we worked out Monday but didn't follow the diet). It's so hard to eat healthy! I mean REALLY healthy. We're doing it though. Brad lost 5 lbs and I lost 4 last week. So, it's working. We're going to try to make it through the 90 days. We'll see how it goes. We just want to get into better shape and of course lose a little weight too. We're seeing the results so far.
That's about all for us right now.


kristinann said...

Hey there!! It's been a while!! I just wanted to tell you that your kids are really cute and you look great!! Your work out program is inspiring. I really want to try the 30 day shred or pilates after I give birth. Glad to see all is well with you guys!

Homer Hoodlums said...

Hey friends. Brad!!! Happy late birthday! I'm sorry I forgot, you old fart. :) You guys seem like you are living it up! I miss seeing you guys around. Glad life is so great!