Wednesday, May 6, 2009

More fun in the sun

We took the kids swimming yesterday. The water is still pretty cold, which I don't get since it doesn't really get cold here. Oh well. They still had fun.
I had to put the pictures of Preston in the boat on here because my little brother, Sam had a canoe that he loved! It reminded me of that. Preston looks a lot like Sam did when he was little. I think you can also see Preston's rash on his tummy in the pictures. We don't know what the heck the rash is from. I took him to the doctor for it yesterday and she seemed to think it was Eczema. I'm not so sure. It looked like an allergic reaction to me. But, she gave us a steroid cream and told us to give him Claritin. If that doesn't work she'll order an allergy test. I couldn't think of anything he had that he hasn't had already that he could be allergic too. I don't know.
I couldn't believe Hannah got in the cold water and had fun. Her little nose was runnin too. She was splashin around having a good ol time though.


Tara said...

It's so weird to see all of you in the pool when we still have on again, off again snow up here in Utah! The kids look so cute in the pool (: Good luck figuring out Preston's rash. Allergies can be so tricky and so hard to pinpoint sometimes!

Unknown said...

Hey! Where do you get those cute hats that Hannah has on? I need to get one for Lyla for the summer!

Sorensen's said...

How fun! My kids keep asking "is today going to warm enough to swim"??? I can't wait till I can actually say yes!!!