Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Baby update was interesting. I met with a dietician and a nurse about my diabetes. My blood sugar was down a lot, which is good. They've got me on a pretty strict diet and it's gonna be really hard. I'll manage. Brad's a good help and support. I have to test my blood sugar 6 times a day. If it's not what it's supposed to be next week I may have to take medication. The nurse said that if the baby was to come early (which happens a lot with diabetes) it would probably be between 30-35 weeks.
I also met with the perinatalogist. A little concern about the diabetes and my blood pressure was up just a little but not too bad. Baby Hannah (I have to convince Brad on that name but I'm pretty convinced) is doing well. She weighs about 2 lbs 12 oz which seems so huge! LOL. Heartrate is good. It's fun to have an ultrasound every month and see her so often. I can't wait to hold her and kiss her.


Natalie Sue said...

Oh my goodness... diabetes this time? But I'm so happy to hear that you got such a special priesthood blessing. Did he give Preston a blessing too? It sounds familiar. Anyway, you are a trooper! It is way hard to be pregnant and on a strict diet. You are amazing. And baby Hannah is getting big! I love that name! Good luck to you!

Lolo said...

I am so glad that you are getting the support you need. I would have a hard time with a diet when pregnant because it is so hard to find anything to eat that sounds good anyway. You are tough! I hope all goes well.:)

Tiffany said...

I'm glad things are still going well for the most part. Just watch, you may end up with a 5 lb baby or bigger! :)

The Clarks said...

Yes, he did give Preston a blessing when he was born. He's so amazing! He really has a gift for giving blessings.