Thursday, January 22, 2009

Growing up too fast

This is going to be a long blog post! I just haven't posted much lately and I've got some really cute pictures of the kids. it goes.
This picture turned out a little blurry but I thought it was so cute. Preston LOVES to put his shoes on lately. He was runnin around with his diaper and shoes. It was so cute. He loves his new chair too.

Hannah is such a happy girl. I love her little rolls and chubbiness.

Sleepin' in the jumperoo again.

Playin' footsie with her buddy, Weston.

I LOVE her pretty blue eyes. They just sparkle.

In her pretty new pink dress. I bought it for her while I was in Utah.

Preston loves to help me in the kitchen. He was helping me make oatmeal pancake mix. As you can see there just may have been more on the counter, chair and floor than there was in the bowl. But, he had fun.

Preston and blankie goin' for a ride. He loves his blankie. We've also been loving this weather!! It's been almost 70 all week and so sunny and nice!

Playin' ball.

This is a hazard. At least he had one hand on the wheel!

We're so proud of Preston!! We finally got him off the binkie. It was a rough road for him. He LOVED his binkie and wouldn't sleep without. He wandered around for a few days saying "ki ki". He's gotten over it and will now sleep without it. He hasn't had it all week!! YAY BUDDY!
I got a new calling last week. I got called into the primary presidency. I'm first counselor. I'm excited about it, I think it should be very fun.
Brad was excited today because they got to cut open the skull on his cadaver and they're disecting the brain. Eeeew. That's why he's becoming the doctor and not me!!
This is our favorite time of year as far as TV goes. We LOVE 24, American Idol and Lost. We're pretty glad we have a DVR to record them all so we can watch them when Brad gets home at night! We have a hard time staying awake though.
SUPER long post. I know. Enjoy Grandmas!!


Lolo said...

So Jenny, I have been so bad at commenting. I still always look at your blog and I am always impressed with you and all the good you are doing. Your kids are absolutely adorable:) I can relate to alot of the pics and thoughts you post. I hope you and your family continue to do well! Love ya lots!

Great Scott's! said...

WOW look at those kids grow! They are adorable!! Good to hear you are all doing well, I miss you being my closest neighbor.

Cody and Nicole said...

Those are stinkin cute pictures! We have the cutest kids!!