Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!!!

Yes, we let Preston hold a sparkler. He wasn't sure what he thought about it. I think it scared him a little. It was a pretty fun day. I had fun dressing the kids up in the outfits Brad's mom sent them. They looked so cute! I had to make matching bows and a bracelet, of course. I just used the scraps I had and they turned out pretty cute.
We started the day going to our ward's pancake dinner. Then we went to Boulder City to catch the parade. It was unlike anything we've ever seen before. It was pretty much a big water fight. Everyone was throwing water balloons at the people in the parade and they were throwing things back and had big squirt guns and stuff. Silly string everywhere too. It was kinda fun to watch but we stood back. We didn't think the kids would like it.
Then we had our friends over for a bbq, which was fun. We did a few firecrackers that scared the kids to death! Hannah looked like she was having a seizure because she would jump at every little pop. That ended that.
Then we went to see fireworks. It was the shortest firework show I've ever seen. But, after they ended we all played on the blanket and had some good family time. Preston liked the fireworks, so did Hannah. They weren't so loud. We were sitting far away but just close enough. I love spending time with my cute little fam. I especially love when Brad is with us!! Only another month before school starts. :(

Preston just looks thrilled here doesn't he?


Lolo said...

Cute Pics. Your kids are just adorable!

Anonymous said...

Hannah looks so much like you and mom its scary! Cute little bugger though!


grant + brittany said...

looks like the neighbors need you phone number... i guess they have some more mail... :)