Monday, April 7, 2008

baby names

I find out for sure what I'm having this Wednesday. I'm really hoping they were right and it really is a girl. I found baby girl bedding I want and my mom actually bought it for me. She said we would just return it if it's a boy.

It's so cute I had to attach a photo!!! I'm just thinking pink! Boys are fun don't get me wrong but I have to have a girl.
We had a good weekend with our friends and family. I got to visit with a family from my mission and a good friend from my mission and some friends from Ohio and of course, both of our families. I was so worn out! I fell asleep around 9:30 last night! But it was so fun to visit.
So, this little poll that's going on for the baby girl favorite was Hannah and Brad's was Hailey. I have had dreams about a baby girl named Hannah even before I was pregnant with Preston and during both pregnancies, so I guess I just feel it's meant to be a Hannah. But everyone else seems to like Hailey!! Sad. Well...we'll just have to see.


Jaimee said...

I love the name Hannah! I have a niece named Hannah who is just adorable. You'll just have to have another girl later and name her Hailey. Brad will get over it!:)

Da Denninghoff's said...

Follow your dreams and don't listen to us! Hannah is a very pretty name.

The Hatch Family said...

Hi Jenny, I'm not sure if you remember who I am but I am one of Brads friends from High school, I check in on your cute family from time to time and I just had to say that I definately L-O-V-E the name Hannah. You just get Brad to change his mind, hopefully he'll come around! (I have a little girl named Hannah so maybe I'm biast) Good luck with everything, I'm glad to hear that things are going well, and Preston is absolutly adorable!!!!!! Tell Brad Hello!
Celeste Hatch

Natalie Sue said...

Hannah is a darling name! And YOU get to choose --- I'm sure you can talk Brad into it. Good luck!