Thursday, April 3, 2008

Preston's cute/funny habits

So, Preston has developed quite the little personality. Anyone that knows him would tell you that. I was thinking today about how many funny things he does. He really keeps us laughing all day. One thing he does lately is when he doesn't want something or doesn't like it, he just sticks his tongue out like this picture demonstrates and makes such a sour face! ANYTIME he eats ANYTHING he makes a funny face like he's not sure about it.
He babbles all the time now too and it's really cute and funny
He loves to play peek a boo. He just giggles. He also loves to play patty cake. Lately he's loved to play the "I'm gonna get you game!" He just squeels and crawls so fast. It's my favorite!
One that is very frustrating...he throws his glasses! He'll be sitting in the high chair and chuck them over the side onto the hard kitchen floor. Something about the high chair and the carseat...I guess he just gets bored and wants to play with something.

He loves the water. He loves taking a bath or swimming or playing in the sink...I think most babies love this but he just laughs and laughs in the tub or swim
ming. I need to try to post this video I took of him giggling in the tub...with an unexpected twist...he peed in his face and started to cry. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee myself!

He just started dancing about a week or so ago and I love it. He just rocks or waves his arm but I love that he loves's in his blood, I guess. He also absolutely LOVES going to visit Grandma and Grandpa Wang at work...he loves to bang on the pianos. Grandpa lets him touch everything! He also pulls Grandpa's pen and glasses out of his pocket. It's the first thing he does when he sees him.

I just thought it would be fun to write some of his cute things and add some pics.


Carly said...

Oh that is hilarious that he peed on his face. Oh--the things I have to look forward to. That is so great that he is showing his cute personality. He looks like such a happy kid!