Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Our little buddy Preston!

This post is dedicated to my little buddy, Preston! I absolutely LOVE everything about him. He is so cute and tiny and funny and sweet. He keeps us all laughing. His smile would melt anyone's heart. He just lights up a room with it. See for yourself. These are only highlights of his cuteness.

This is the face Preston makes when he wants to say "WOW".

This is Preston giving Hannah kisses. He really just puts his cheek down by her face like he wants her to give him a kiss.

Now THIS was funny. I took him out to the mailbox with me, it's a daily ritual. He started to stagger and go really slow and I was kinda pulling on him like "come on pal!" and I finally realized his shorts were down to his ankles. We were cracking up. These are size 12 months if that gives you any idea how tiny he is. I love it. His shorts were so big but I was too lazy to change them AND the waist was folded over. What a peanut!


Carly said...

He is such a sweet boy. I love that his shorts fell right off. Reminds me of once when I threw Zach up in the air at a gas station and his pants fell all the way off to the floor. You have such a precious family and you REALLY love those cute kids.

Carey Johnson said...

You have such a darling family. So amazing how different each of your children are and yet how adorable. Keep up the good mommin'!

Shamaine said...

He is really cute! Love those eyes!