Friday, January 22, 2010

My adventures


He loves to lift his hat up and say "Hee Haw!" That's what he's doing.

Nice pose huh? Ha ha ha!

Gosh I love my kids but when it comes to making dinner why can't they stop torturing me and just let me cook!?!? Ha ha ha. They just don't like it when I'm cooking and not playing with them. Yesterday I was just trying to chop some potatoes and Hannah was pushing me away from the counter and crying, Preston got out all the pots and pans and started banging around. Then he moved on to the refrigerator door and started slamming it and the pantry door. I couldn't go anywhere without stepping on a kid or a pan. This picture doesn't do the madness any justice but just to give you an idea. Don't you love Preston in his undies and cowboy boots?? Classic.
Preston is in Sunbeams now. On Sunday we were asking him what they talked about in his class. He said that Santa gives presents but Jesus does too. I thought that was so cute and I had to post it. I talked to his teacher, who is also my friend and she said they talked about their bodies being a gift. So, I guess that ties into his lesson...a little. Super cute. Then later that day he sighed and said "I wuv Jesus Mommy" Love that kid.
These pictures were just too good for me not to post them. Preston in his undies, car slippers and sunglasses. What a cool dude! He LOVES these slippers. He wants them on all the time. He sleeps in them too. He and Hannah got those sunglasses from their Grandma Tina last year and they LOVE them. Hannah's didn't fit very well last year but she and Preston wear them all the time now. I don't think he put his real glasses on all day yesterday. He just wanted his "cool glasses" on.


pendant lighting said...

So cute!

Mom said...

Maybe Preston remembers Jesus. I think that at least angels were with him when he was born and through all of those days and nights in the hospital.

Mom said...

Pictures are worth a thousand words.

Natalie Sue said...

So cute, and yeah! Why can't they let us cook dinner!! lol. Ethan always pushes me away from the counter too.