Monday, January 18, 2010

What the!?

Brad went to get Preston out of bed from his nap and this is what he found. Sometimes he'll pick his nose so hard it bleeds. Disgusting isn't it? We're not positive that's what happened but that's what we think. When Brad brought him down he said "I think Preston got in a fight with his doggie" Ha ha ha.
I forgot to mention in previous posts that I recently got released from the Primary Presidency and got called into the Young Women's Presidency and I am really excited to work with the youth and go to camp etc. Should be fun!!


K'Lyn said...

OUCH! How did the sheets look? Even with the blood he is absolutely adorable!

The Hatch Family said...

That totally makes me laugh because my little Ally loves to pick her nose but it is totally a comfort thing. She sucks her fingers on one hand and picks her nose with the other. She's had many bloody noses and in the middle of the night too. I wish I had a picture but never have taken one.