Saturday, July 19, 2008

Doctor's appointment

Well, I forgot to mention yesterday that I had my first Doctor's appointment here in Nevada. Evidentally this doctor won't let me have a natural birth because I had to have a c-section with Preston. So, we will be scheduling the delivery for the week of August 18th!!! SO SOON! They like to do it a week arguements there! That's for dang sure! I have been sick this whole time and I'm ready to feel like myself again! No more throwing up please!!!
Everything is still going well. My blood pressure is normal, low protein levels, minimal swelling and I'll be 35 weeks on Wednesday. It's been very different for me this time around and thank goodness for that!


Carey Johnson said...

Wow. You guys have been so busy. I can't believe all that you have accomplished being pregnant and with a toddler. My hat goes off to you, you superwoman!

Brooke said...

Here she comes! How exciting to know when she'll be here.
How has it been so far? Has it been a hard transition for you?

Elena said...

Jenny, I cannot believe you're going to have your baby girl so soon! I'm sure it doesn't seem the same to you and I know you can't wait to hold her and get your body back. So I hope everything goes well. We are very excited for you guys. How has it been so far in Nevada?

Natalie Sue said...

Oh, that is coming up! That is so exciting. It's interesting that doctors can be so different wherever you go, too. Sounds like you are okay with it though. Yay, your little girl will be here before you know it! What a great day - August 18th. I'm so glad you will then be able to feel normal again soon! You are amazing.

Alyssa said...

Oh my word. . .where did the time go. I have a gift I would like to send. . . can you email me your address. Preston looks so cute!!!! I'm so excited for you!