Saturday, July 26, 2008

My poor baby

Preston has been pretty fussy lately. We weren't sure why. Yesterday he woke up with a really high fever. Later in the day his fever was up to 103.5. That's when we decided we had better find a pediatrician. We went in and it ends up he has a double ear infection and athletes foot to boot! His feet have been really peely and weird. Anyway, he is really struggling. I hate seeing him not feeling well and crying and so sad. He woke up a couple times last night just crying. He's able to take tylenol and motrin and it's brought the fever down. He's also taking antibiotics and Lotrimin for his little feeties. He is normally such a happy baby. We'll be glad when he's feeling better.


Gary & Karen Clark said...

So sorry to here our little guy is sick. Wish we could be there to help. I love the videos!
Grandma C.

Lori Thornbrue said...

I wish you all well in Henderson? We will miss seeing you as often as we did....and Preston's little smile. He is such a cute boy!! Hopefully he will be back to his happy self again soon...

Melissa said...

Hey Jen-

I'm glad you made it safe to your new place. I'm so excited for you to have a little girl soon. As for how Lily hurt her arm, we're not exactly sure. She just started complaining every time we tried to move it. The doctors said it can happen really easily even by just pulling a little harder on one arm than the other when you're helping them up.

Unknown said...

Sad! Poor Preston! We miss you guys. There is definitely a little gap in the ward without you there.