Monday, August 25, 2008


Here's the deal: Post these rules on your blog list your 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 facts about yourself, and 3 current obsessions/collections.Then tag 5 of your friends at the end of your blog by leaving there names. Let them know you tagged them by leaving a comment on there blog.
3 Joys

3 Fears
losing one of my kids (close call with Preston)
getting in a car accident

3 Goals
Lose pregnancy weight
Make it through Brad being in med school
raise my children in the gospel

3 facts about myself
I hate the heat and I hate the cold (mostly the cold)
I've always wanted to learn how to play the harp
i love to talk

3 current obsessions/collections
I love to craft/decorate
baking/cooking...really it is an obsession
dressing my kids in cute clothes!

I'll tag Piper, Shanna, Charity, Amy, Rachel.


Kelly said...

what a coincidence... my hubby is in Med school too but starting his 2nd year... i KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!!!!

Kelly said...

were at UofA in Tucson, arizona. He grew up in Mesa so it was a HUGE help having instate tuition!

The Scholer Family said...

Your little Hannah is soooo cute!!! How are you adjusting to Vegas life?!? It's hot huh?!?! Well, Mak said you asked about what we do here in the desert with toddlers and babies.....lots of puzzles, sprinklers in the backyard, trips to McDonalds INDOOR play ground, coloring, bubbles...and an ice cold coke for me to keep my sanity!!!!