Sunday, September 7, 2008


So today I really wanted to go to my old ward. In fact, I came on Saturday instead of Monday just so I could go. I didn't tell anyone that I was going to go. I guess I should've talked to somebody because I got there and it was stake conference. Our ward starts at two so by then there was no place to go!!!! I was so sad. I really wanted to see our friends from the ward! I'm going to try to go to their enrichment on Tuesday and hopefully see our friends then. I was hoping to see our bishop and everyone! Darn.
I spent the day with the Clark family. It was fun to see everyone and introduce Hannah. Preston was so cute with his cousin Brynnly. They are the same size and they're nine months apart! Preston is such a peanut. They both recently started walking and we think they are going to be partners in crime.
Missing Brad more and more!


Natalie Sue said...

Oh how fun that you got to come back to Utah for a visit...but it would be funner to have the hubby with you! I know what you mean. It's hard to sleep! And you miss them! But how fun to get to be with your families and friends. Hopefully you can see your old ward friends at Enrichment night! I bet you (and they) would love that. How fun. By the way, that's incredible that you only had to stop twice! It's a pretty long drive, isn't it?

The Rasmussen's said...

Brad really is busy. I can't hardly believe how much time he and Jon have spent studying since Saturday. I hardly see them and they study at our house. I hope and pray they both do well! Have fun in Utah!!!