Tuesday, September 16, 2008


How the heck do women lose weight after they have a baby when they have 2 kids to take care of and no stinkin' time???? I'm open to suggestions. I'm going to TRY to get up and exercise while Brad is getting ready for school but I am so tired from Hannah being up at night. We'll see how it goes.


Ker said...

Yeah, this is something that I'll be wondering pretty soon, too. Let me know if you come up with anything! :)

I like the new pictures!

Stacey said...

I know how you feel!! The only thing that has helped me is I exercise with andy. I put him in a laundry basket and push him around the house (it doesn't sound like much but after 20 min or so you can start to feel the burn) or put him on my legs while i do crunches. I found that I "work out" longer while playing with him because he wants me to keep going.

Carey Johnson said...

I've only got Skylar and I still can't figure it out. Although, I think that your friend 'deckerfam' has it figured out. Whenever I am active and include Skylar in what I'm doing I can be active longer. Do you know anyone yet that can watch the kids for an hour?

Unknown said...

Go on walks with the kids. Easier said than done. I don't know how I'll do with two... I lost my pregnancy fat in just a few months with Dallin, just by going walking with my mom every morning. If you have a double stroller, I say it's worth a shot. Especially if it ever starts cooling down where you live. I finally feel like I can stand being outside. Try to find someone to go with. It's easier to be motivated if you have someone doing it with you. Good luck!

Carly said...

Love that cartoon! Hilarious.

Double jogger--definitely--Craigslist or Ebay (BOB revolution or Bumbleride Indie--pricey but fabulous and not huge/heavy joggers). Before I even get out of bed in the morning I have to have my mind made up that I am gonna go and then immediately get all dressed for it or else I will stall until it's time for Zach's morning nap! It's a daily battle. I stall until it's too late...a lot! =)
Good luck!

Natalie Sue said...

lol.. that cartoon is so true! I love it. And I have no idea how all my friends lose the baby weight. It's hard to find time with two little kids cause you're sooo tired in the morning, when it seems to be your only chance. I'm in the SAME boat!

Brooke said...

Good for you Jenny. It's hard to feel motivated to exercise, especially when sleep sounds so enticing.
I know that my sister-in-law found a great work out video she can do at home while her kids are awake and playing or sometimes sleeping.