Preston is a whopping TWO YEARS OLD today!!! My how times flies! We are celebrating his birthday on Sunday when we get to Utah with our family. So, I made him a stack of Mickey Mouse pancakes to enjoy for his birthday. I am going to take him to Toys R Us today and let him pick out something little. I couldn't let a kid go his whole birthday without a little something!! Plus, we joined Geoffrey's birthday club and got a good coupon! HA HA. I can't believe how much he has grown and that two years has actually gone by. I included a picture of Hannah enjoying her breakfast too. I often prop her bottle up for her to eat when I'm trying to do many things at once...which is always in the morning! I think it looks funny.
Just for the record...he ate the WHOLE STACK of pancakes! That's my boy!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Posted by The Clarks at 7:51 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Something in the air....
this was this morning
this was tonight
SNOW!!!! Can you believe it? Remember how we live in Las Vegas??? NEVADA??? It is so funny watching people outside taking pictures and stuff. Our neighbor said tonight he has lived here his whole life and he's never seen anything like this. The funny part is they don't have snow plows here. Our neighbor said they are shipping them in from other places. There was no way I was leaving the house today to drive with a bunch of people who have never seen snow before. I'd rather avoid that situation.
It's just been such a weird day. Preson decided today that Hannah makes a great foot stool. Yeah, I had just changed Hannah on the floor and went to the garage to put the diaper out there. When I got back Preston was standing directly ON TOP of Hannah and was playing the piano. So, I freaked out. Hannah was about purple she was crying so hard. Don't worry, she's ok. Luckily Preston doesn't weigh a ton. Then, I put him in time out and he pulled the curtain off the wall. Nice. It's just been one of those days where everything you don't want your kids to do...they do it anyway.
Posted by The Clarks at 8:53 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Merry Christmas
I didn't send Christmas cards out this year. I decided to save the money. So, I'll post my Christmas card on here. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
Posted by The Clarks at 9:05 AM 4 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I love Christmas
How cute are they in their Christmas outfits?? Thanks Mom Clark for Preston's outfit! Hannah is so sick, it's so sad. Her little cry sounds so hoarse. It's awful. Preston was kinda sick but he didn't get too bad. I think he's the one that started it around our house.
Anyway, I will be SO glad when this week is over. Brad has been so busy studying and I think we're both going to love just relaxing for a couple weeks. I love this time of year so much. I just want to buy a present for everyone I know! I wish I could!
Posted by The Clarks at 8:19 PM 8 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
We went to our ward party tonight. It was pretty fun! I'm on the activities committee so I have to say that. Ha ha. Here's some pictures with Santa. I was the official photographer for Santa tonight...LOTS of kids to take them of! Our ward is huge. Preston wasn't too sure what to think but he didn't cry. He was being pretty shy.
Posted by The Clarks at 8:43 PM 1 comments
Love it!
I heard this on the radio yesterday and I love it! Brad and I are big Carrie Underwood fans!
Posted by The Clarks at 11:26 AM 0 comments
Finally a workout that WORKS!!
Just an update for all of you who have inquired about the 30 Day Shred...I started last Tuesday, I believe and since then I've lost 6.5 lbs and a total of 3 inches off my waist. Kind of seems impossible but it's true! I feel so much better but I have a ways to go! My friend also told me the video is rated number one in fitness on! So...I have a testimony of the 30 Day Shred!
Posted by The Clarks at 11:11 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A little Christmas Cheer
I was making centerpieces for our ward's Christmas party with red and green ribbon. I guess Preston thought Hannah needed a little Christmas cheer because he decorated her with red and green ribbon. Hannah thought it was funny! She just kept smilin.
Both of the kids have colds and they aren't the happiest kids these days. Well, Hannah is so stuffy but she keeps smiling. Preston whined most of the day. He just didn't know what he wanted and kept throwing tantrums. I feel bad for them.
Posted by The Clarks at 9:20 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
30 Day Shred
So, I started a new workout that I'm totally excited about. I started last week and I am feeling GREAT! Jillian is the trainer from the Biggest Loser and she is kick butt! I was doing a ball workout and walking and it just wasn't enough for me. I'm so obsessed with this workout I started doing it twice a day. My housework suffers sometimes but to me, it's worth it. I want my pre-baby body back and I mean PRE as in PRE-Preston! And I'm gonna get it! No stopping me! I think I've lost the most in my arms so far but my waist is definitely getting smaller!! YAY! I lost 4.5 lbs in 5 days. HIGHLY recommend this workout to anyone.
Posted by The Clarks at 10:24 PM 6 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Last night we went with some of our friends to a cactus garden that had a cool light display. Preston really loved the lights. He just wanted to run and run and run. It was a lot of fun. Then our friends came over for hot chocolate. It got us a little more into the Christmas spirit.
Posted by The Clarks at 9:13 PM 2 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
The clark Family
I got this in an email and thought it was so great! How great would it be if we all sent one of these cards??
Posted by The Clarks at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Big brother
Well, this little photo shoot started OK....but didn't exactly end well. Preston got sick of sitting by his sister for like 30 seconds and started poking at her. Hannah ended up with a bloody lip. Oh I guess that's what brothers do!!!
My mom bought them these cute matching much do I love PJ's??? Ha ha. They are getting closer and closer in size!! They wear the same size diapers...TWOS!!!!!
Posted by The Clarks at 8:10 PM 1 comments
Finally finished!
It seems like I've been working on Hannah's stocking for forever but I finally finished it. I think it turned out pretty cute!
This is the one I made last year for Preston.
Preston is into EVERYTHING lately. He loves to pull the books and DVD's out. When he's done with that he moves on to the kitchen. He loves the tupperware stuff. Yesterday he went so far as to removing all the pots and pans and cookie sheets and name it, he pulled it out.
Hannah is getting so big. She smiles all the time. I got the kids these cute Christmas PJ's. Preston's are exactly the same but they are blue and green. I love them. I love the jammies that have the tight bottoms...their little diaper bums look so cute in them! Yes, I shopped on black friday and got some sweet deals! Including these pajamas. My friend, Jami and I went to Toys R Us at 5:30 and man was it crazy! But, it was fun for us to go out.
Posted by The Clarks at 7:55 AM 10 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Preston LOVES to climb stairs. Recently he's started walking up and he thinks he's so cool!
Posted by The Clarks at 4:36 PM 3 comments
Cute Hannah
We have tried so hard to get Hannah to laugh...we finally got something out of her! She's such a cutie.
Posted by The Clarks at 3:40 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
My Selfish Christmas Wish List
First of all, I think this is the coolest thing! It would be on my Christmas list for Preston if I could afford it! I saw it on TV yesterday. It's a little DVD player that's kid tough. I could so use this when I travel to Utah with the kids. Preston would love it because he can press the buttons too!
Anyway, this is what I want this year!!!
We so need a bigger car and I would take either of these in a second!! Yeah, yeah, I know...keep dreaming!
I have also always wanted a personal shopper to help me pick out clothes that look good on my body type and make me all stylish and such. I'm not very good at picking out clothes for myself that are cute and look right on me. I think that would be so cool.
There are lots of things I would put on my selfish list but these are number one!
Posted by The Clarks at 8:56 AM 4 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I've been Mommy tagged!
1. What time do you get up in the morning?
Usually around 7:30
2. On a good night, what time are the kids in bed?
3. How long have you been a mommy?
ALmost 2 years
4. How old were you when you became a mom?
5. What is your favorite chore?
Favorite chore? Hmmm, does cooking dinner count?
6. What is your favorite meal to cook?
I don't really have a favorite...I just like to cook.
7. What meal do you cook most often?
8. What are five things about being a mom that make you smile?
1) I love hearing Preston say new words
2) Baby laughs
3) Hearing Preston ramble on about nothing (he may be rambling about something but we don't understand it)
4) Snuggles
5) Just knowing that Heavenly Father entrusted me with them in my life
9. If you could take your kids anywhere, where would it be?
Most definently Disney World
10. When was the last time you went out without your kids?
Yesterday I went to Target
11. What was your most heartbreaking moment as a mom?
The moment I became a mom and gave birth to the most amazing baby 4 months early. Just watching him on life support killed me. He had a lot of close calls.
12. When was the last time you told your kids you loved them?
I tell them all the time...this morning probably.
13. When was the last time that someone told you that they loved you?
Brad when he left for church (I stayed home with a sick kid)
I tag Natalie P., Stephanie and Jami
Posted by The Clarks at 4:25 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008 they make jeans to fit normal people?
I just have to say I hate jeans! Why don't they make jeans to fit normal people. They are so low cut and they always fall off my bum and I'm sooo sick of it. I have yet to find a good pair of jeans.
Ok, now that I've got that out of my system. I just tried to blog and it wouldn't post!! I had written so much. I hate when that happens!
Our update...
Preston is talking more and more. Just words here and there but more than he ever has. He's always said blankie (ki ki). He's started to say "doggie" (this is probably his favorite word other than daddy) He loves to say "daddy" and of course has never said "mommy" He's said mum mum mum when he wants something...not sure if that's mommy or not. His latest thing is opening the pantry and saying "Uuuuum" like he's trying to decide what he wants to eat. It's pretty funny. He's always bringing us thing out of there.
He folds his arms now everytime he gets in the high chair and just waits for us. He's so cute and entertaining.
At the moment, Hannah is asleep face first in her jumperoo. So funny!
She is cooing and yelling and making cute sounds. She's getting big. I bought her a pair of jeans that were 6-9 months from Target and I have to take them back as they are too small! Boy, I've never had that problem!! Preston's clothes were always too big! Preston still wears 6-9 months tops, he's just moved up to 12 month pants, but they are a littl big around the waist. Hannah can hold toys now and she smiles everytime we look at her. I love that. Her whole face lights up with cuteness!
Brad is still enjoying school. He's tired all the time, but can you blame him? I couldn't do what he does! Lately he comes home smelling like his cadaver. Ew! He came home one day and told me he had to cut the legs off of his cadaver because they were moldy. Sick!
I am just keeping busy with the usual stuff that come with being a mom, trying to keep the kids entertained and all.
I think you can see the resemblance here!
Posted by The Clarks at 2:21 PM 8 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
getting caught up...again
I have been pretty busy lately. I've got myself into a few projects that take all the very little free time I get. I've been working on a stocking for Hannah. I made one of those felt kits for Preston's and now I have to make one for her too. I'm not geting very'll be a miracle if I get it done by Christmas. I'm also making a little album of Brad and I. I still haven't finished my wedding album either. So, I've been trying to get some of this stuff done.
Yesterday we went to the Touro playgroup. My friend, Jami and I didn't even find the playgroup until the very end. The kids loved playing. It was a good playground for Preston because they had ramps instead of stairs. They also fed the ducks. Preston had to figure out that the bread was for the ducks and not for him but once he figured it out he had fun. Jami took a few pics.
Hannah is kind of a high maintenance child...she does not like to be put down!! Of course I love her anyway and I do love to hold her. Well, I needed to find something to keep her occupied so I could do the dishes etc. So I remembered we had the jumperoo. I didn't think she was big enough but she really liked it! She's so smiley these days. I just love it. We just love to kiss those chubby cheeks!
Posted by The Clarks at 11:56 AM 4 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Super moms
Hey guys...I've gotta put in a new plug for my friend's blog! I think it would be great to have more people to contribute! Just through us a recipe here and there!! We really want more people to add to it! Please join us!! I put a post on here so you can see what's been going on there. Click here.
Posted by The Clarks at 9:57 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
I got tagged. Here are the rules: Go to the third picture folder on your computer, and find the third picture and post it.
I wasn't exactly sure how to do it because I have folder within folder within folder. So, anyway, this is what I came up with! This is Brad and I at the Kenny Chesney concert! WOO! We love Kenny.
I haven't posted in a long time. Life has gotten
really busy and then we had someone take our computer and clean it up!
I'm back from Utah. We all really missed Brad! Preston was glad to have his Daddy back. He kinda gave him a confused look at first but then it was life as usual. The kids did pretty well on the long drive. They slept a lot of the way back, which was nice. I like driving and thinking when it's quiet.
Anyway, I tag Stacy D., Jaimee C. and Piper.
Posted by The Clarks at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Well, here I am in utah. I've been here since last wednesday. It's been a busy week helping my parents, driving them to their appointments and cleaning up and such. My dad did a real good job making a mess with his painting!! I was not expecting the winter wonderland when I woke up this morning! It has snowed several inches! Quite a change from our warm Nevada weather. All is well. Preston has enjoyed playing with his cousin, Brynnly. They are so cute playing together. I got a pedicure from my sister in law, Devery, which is always heavenly. I go back to be with my honey on Friday morning. I miss him so much!!
Posted by The Clarks at 9:29 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Super Moms Unite!
My friend Stacey posted this the other day. I wanted to spread the word about it. I think it's kinda fun! If you want to contribute drop me a message and I will let her know!
"After reading my friend Jenny's blog about how she is doing her grocery shopping and able to save a lot of money I got thinking. There should be a blog where we can all share ideas and recipes with each other. So I started one.
I really want all of you to comtribute, it won't be good if it is just me doing it. So my question is who's in? Give me your email address and I will put you on so you can contribute as much as you want. If you have friends that have great ideas that would like to contribute as well that would be awesome! The more people we can get to contribute to this the better the blog it will be. Come people I know you all have great ideas lets start sharing. "
Posted by The Clarks at 9:32 AM 5 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
My poor Daddy!!!
Today I was on the phone with my mom just having a little chat when I hear this loud crash, followed by a really loud yell. Then all I heard was everyone screaming and the dog barking a lot, then I got disconnected. I was scared to death!!!!! My dad was up on his ladder painting in their entry way that is two stories high. He was at the very top of the ladder all the way up the two stories when he fell. He was still talking and mentally OK but my Sister in Law said his leg looked pretty bad. He really jacked up his leg and is in a lot of pain. They called 911 and they gave him some morphine and checked him all out. He got x-rays and he broke his femur way up high by his hip. He was covered in paint and so was everything else in the house. So, he had paint in his eyes etc. Anyway, they have to do surgery tomorrow and put a pin in his leg. So, he'll be out for a while. I'm glad he's OK and didn't fall on his head or anything. I just feel so bad for him!! That's gotta hurt! I was so glad that my brother, Sam and his wife were there to help! They got the paint cleaned up at the house with some ward members. I was supposed to go to Utah next week during Brad's exams but I'm thinking about leaving earlier to help out. My mom doesn't drive right now so I think they could use it. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
Posted by The Clarks at 10:22 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
HOW did I save that much?? in Nevada they send a mailer with grocery store ads. I USED to throw them away but I started looking at them and marking down what I thought were good deals and saving the coupons (even though I only used one). Watch closely with coupons because sometimes the generic is cheaper than using the coupon. After I wrote down what I thought were good deals on things I usually get I decided which store had the best deals. Albertsons just happened to have the most stuff that week. They had a coupon for if you spent over $25 you got free paper towels and if you bought two stouffers lasagnas at $5.99 each you got a free bag of candy. I happen to like Stouffers lasagna and they are normally like $10 each. I made sure I made a list of things so I didn't forget what was on sale. I checked the normal price to make sure I was getting a good deal as well. Really, I just studied the ads and it really added up! It was so fun and rewarding to see the money come off after they had rung everything up!! Watch closely for the ones that you HAVE to buy the amount they want you to buy to get the good savings. Sometimes they make you buy 4/$5 to get the discount. I got Prego sauce 4/$5 which IS a good deal so I bought 4. Anyway, I saw this lady on Oprah that inspired me to try this. She claims you can cut your grocery bill in half if you do what she does. Go here to read her free online book that really helped me, although I didn't do everything that she does.
Posted by The Clarks at 9:11 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Grocery shopping
So, I've been complaining a lot about grocery shopping and how expensive food is. It seems like I go to the store and spend all this money and it's gone so fast. Well...I spent hours clipping coupons, scouring the ads and planning my route. I tried to plan my meals around what was on sale and use coupons that really were useful and not just because I had a coupon. I don't think coupons really are that great of a deal when generic is usually cheaper even with the coupon savings. Anyway, I ended up going to TWO grocery stores because they had different sales that I thought were pretty good. I got most of my groceries at Smiths and then ventured to Albertsons where I got 4/$5 Prego, 1.99/lb ground beef (really good deal!!) 20/$8 yoplait yogurts, Stouffers Lasagna for $5.99 (anyone who buys this would agree that's a steal!). Then I got a free bag of candy and a free roll of Bounty Paper Towels. My total savings was $43.69!!!!!!! That's not including what I saved at Smiths!! I guess it pays to research and plan before you go to the store.
Posted by The Clarks at 9:37 PM 3 comments
Random thoughts
I haven't posted in a while...thought it was time to get caught up. I was looking through pictures the other day and I came across Preston's picture of the day he came home from the hospital. What a little peanut. Then, I wanted to compare the pic to Hannah in her carseat! So cute. They were so tiny and now they're getting so big! It's fun to watch them grow up though. Hannah is such a little cutie. She smiles all the time now and I love it. She gets excited and kicks her little legs and smiles.
Brad has some more time off for some other jewish holiday. He'll go back to school on Thursday. Always love this time to spend as a family. He still studies a lot, of course, but we get to see him a little more. Preston is feeling so much better now. He's had so much energy. He's been a lot of fun to play with. He certainly got his appetite back. He loves to go into the pantry and bring me a box of cereal, crackers or whatever he can find to eat. Last night we had 3 boxes of cereal and a box of graham crackers sitting around because he kept bringing stuff to us. We had FHE last night. We sang primary songs, read from the kids Book of Mormon Stories Book and played a game Brad made up for Preston. He put Cheerios under one of three cups and Preston had to find which one had the Cheerios. Kinda dumb but he thought it was fun. We've been trying really hard to have a little FHE every Monday. We've done pretty good. We know Preston doesn't understand just yet but it's important to have that time, so we do!
My cute little smiley girl.
Daddy reading a bedtime story.
Long day for Daddy, I guess!!!
Posted by The Clarks at 10:56 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Just one of those days
Today is one of those days I just looooooove being a Mom! It all began this morning when Preston WOKE UP fussy. Which is always the sign of a good day! He just didn't know what he wanted to eat or what he wanted to do. So, I took them for a walk. That is always good for everyone involved. Then Hannah was fussy. I was trying to calm her down and I looked over and Preston had something in his hand, squishing it...yea it was poo. I washed his hands and changed him and looked over to see that he had rubbed it into the carpet! Ya, fun! So, I got him down for a nap and FINALLY got Hannah to take a nap. She needs some assistance getting to sleep most of the time. Hopped in the shower. On my way out of the shower I pulled the curtain back and the whole rod and curtain fell on me and the rod had broken, so I need to get a new one. My peace and quiet didn't last long enough. I was on the phone with my Mom telling her all the fun things that were happening today and I noticed Preston had a rash. So, I kind of panicked because I thought he might be allergic to the anitbiotic that he had gotten for his ear infection. So, I called the doctor and they said to bring him in right away. Preston was so tired and crabby that I decided to leave Hannah with a neighbor so I could give him all my attention. I took him in and the doctor checked him over (we saw the nurse practitioner last time who told us he had an ear infection) and told me she didn't think it was an ear infection because his ears looked fine. She said it was Roseola, which is a virus that causes a high fever and then a couple days later a rash. She said he would be irritable because he won't feel good. But, the fever has broken so he's on the downslide....thank goodness! The poor guy has been pretty sad. was Brad's first day back at school, of course it would be a crazy day at home...why wouldn't it? HA HA HA HA! Gotta laugh at these things. I hope Preston is back to his normal self again soon.
This is the first time our Doctor had seen Preston. She's seen Hannah before and I told her about Preston. She is AMAZED at how well he's doing for being so early. She said she's never seen a 24 weeker doing so well at this age. She loved Preston and his glasses...who wouldn't? I do love my kids but sometimes I could do without days like today!!! :)
Posted by The Clarks at 4:00 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Holding my dear ones a little tighter
So it ends up Preston did have an ear infection. We took him to the doctor yesterday and they prescribed an antibiotic for the poor little guy and told us to give him Tylenol and Motrin. He was so grumpy yesterday and I got so frustrated...I just didn't know what to do with him to make him happy. I told Brad just to put him to bed. He had put him in some warm jammies and I told him just before he put him down to just put him in a onesie because he had been running a fever, so he did. A few hours later Brad and I were getting ready for bed and I heard him start to cry. I jumped up to go get him and give him some medicine because he was overdue for some, I just didn't want to wake him. When I got in there he was seizing. I yelled for Brad and Brad picked him up and held him and I called 911. I was so upset I don't even know what I was saying on the phone. It just didn't seem real! She was asking me so many questions and I was getting frustrated and just wanted someone to come help. It seemed like the seizure lasted forever! He finally stopped and the paramedics were here so quickly. They checked him all out and he was OK, besides being really agitated and tired. His fever had gotten too high which is what caused the seizure. I have honestly never been so scared in my life! All I could think about was that I was going to lose my poor baby!!! Brad remained calm and just kept talking to Preston. I was running around like a crazy lady. This all happend around 12:30 a.m. and I am so glad we were still awake to even hear him. I don't think I would've heard him had we been in bed. He is OK today. He is still really tired. I didn't sleep a wink. I would start to dose and jump up thinking it was happening again. I had Brad give Preston and I a blessing. It was the only thing I thought would calm me. I felt a lot better but didn't sleep until this morning. After the blessing all I could think about was Preston's little 1 pound body and I knew he's supposed to be here for a reason and that everything was going to be OK.
Posted by The Clarks at 11:09 AM 10 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Internet party!!!
OK, so do you all remember the ABC Book I made for Preston that I posted on here? Well...I've had a lot of you inquire about it and how I did it etc. I made it on a program called Memory Mixer. It has become a favorite! I used to make all my wedding albums for my clients on Photoshop. Although I still love to retouch my pictures in Photoshop every now and again, I have absolutely grown to LOVE Memory Mixer. I was contacted by someone at Memory Mixer who saw Preston's ABC Book order come through. They loved his book and have now given me the opportunity to make Memory Mixer available to all of you who are interested!! I'm posting a few things that I have done on the program. Really, the possibilities are endless! It's a scrapbooking program that allows you to design your own scrapbooks and print them as bound photobook. SOO cute! OR you can pick which pictures you want and the program will mix an album for you! COOL RIGHT? Well, if you want to know more about the program just leave a comment and I'll get with you about it. It makes a great Christmas present!! That's how I got mine! Let me know!
Posted by The Clarks at 3:29 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
little missionary
Most people say they love to dress girls up in their cute clothes and YES! I do love to dress Hannah up but I love to dress Preston up just as much! Isn't he a handsome devil? I feel so sad for him today. He's had a fever. I hate when he gets sick but I love the cuddles. He laid in bed with me and watched TV for a few hours and I loved it. I think he might have another ear infection. I'll take him to the doctor tomorrow. Brad got out his doctor kit and tried to check out Preston's ears but didn't have much luck. He hasn't really gotten that far yet but it was fun to try!! Ha ha. I love Sundays. I don't clean or anything. I just love to take it easy, read scriptures and play with my family. The dishes will always be there tomorrow!
Posted by The Clarks at 9:28 PM 2 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Early Halloween
Our ward had a very early Trunk or Treat. I may not have gone if I wasn't on the activities committee. I made cupcakes for the cupcake walk. They are Yummy Mummy cupcakes. I think they turned out pretty cute!I dressed the kids as Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. I made the costumes. I'm not a seamtress by any means but I'm pretty proud of the way they turned out! I'll have to take more on Halloween. I didn't get very good pictures this time around. They were both grumpy.
Preston hated the hat. He kept getting mad about it.
Brad took him around Trunk or Treating...we've enjoyed his candy!! Ha ha.
Posted by The Clarks at 8:20 PM 4 comments